Stamp Collection
I like collecting things. I already have 5 mugs here in my dorm. This very sadly leads to the problem that I need space (and it's also expensive).
What I discovered here is collecting stamps. I still have the feeling that I am collecting something, without the actual problems of spending money and having things accumulate in my dorm. Apart from that I like to put them onto postcards that I send to my family.
Every Train Station and every MRT station has a stamp. (The Maokong Gondola has one stamp in total, it's the same in every station.) Some restaurants and sight seeing locations also have them. There is one at the top of the Taipei 101 Skyscraper. And one at my favorite cafe here.
Usually I just put the stamp on the free page in my weekly planner (yes, it's a paper planner). This now also includes a paper slip from Japan with a stamp on. (My only problem is that I forget to bring my planner with me some days... There needs to be an App for this I guess ;)